School Council

At Sprowston Infant School we have a School Council, made up of two representatives from each Year 1 class and four from each Year 2, these are chosen by their classmates. Reception join us in the summer term and representatives from our autism base are included throughout the year.

The School Council meets  and the meetings are facilitated by a teacher. The School Council works on a wide range of issues. We believe that every child has a voice in our school and that every child can contribute their ideas and opinions through their class representatives for discussion by the School Council.

The class representatives recently have been working to build links in the local community by visiting a local luncheon club for the elderly. This link was facilitated by Friends in Deed, a local charity.

This term the children are going to think about what works well in school and what could be developed. The children will take this to their classrooms to hear other pupils’ ideas and from that, we decide on two projects. Last year the School Council wanted to develop the outside space so we raised funds to buy new resources through holding year group bake sales.