All children are entitled to a free hot meal. These follow the Government guidelines on healthy eating. There is a set menu each day and these are displayed on the notice board and sent home at the start of each term. Water and milk are available with the meal.
The kitchen is happy to cater for any religious dietary needs your child may have if the school is informed, in writing, in advance. Medical dietary needs require a letter from your child’s doctor or dietician.
Below is our current menu. Please note some meals may be subject to change. You will receive updated versions of the menu from the school office.

Packed Lunches
You may prefer to send your child to school with a packed lunch. We encourage healthy eating and would like you to include some fresh fruit or vegetables in your child’s box. Sweets and fizzy drinks are not allowed. We also do not allow nuts of any kind, including peanut butter, as we have children in school with severe nut allergies. We would ask you to be realistic about what your child can eat. We do encourage them to eat what is sent to school but any uneaten food is left in lunchboxes so that you are aware of what they have eaten. Please clearly name your child’s lunchbox on the outside, as we get many lunchboxes with the same design. Ideas for healthy packed lunches can be found on the following websites: